Mike Malenfant
Relationship Manager @ Mercury
Introductory Call
Book this event for a first call between your team and your newly assigned Relationship Manager.
Typically this time is used for: team introductions, understanding how you're currently using Mercury, gather product feedback, explore any features that might make sense as you continue to build.
- 30m
New User Onboarding
An onboarding session for users recently added to a Mercury account - whether a first-time user or a Mercury power-user.
- 30m
- 45m
IO Credit Card: Product Overview and Q&A
An opportunity to take a deeper dive into Mercury's IO Credit Card offering with your RM. You can anticipate discussing: benefits (1.5% cashback, virtual cards, customizable limits, etc), your organization's limit, as well as how to get up and running on IO.
- 30m
Financial Workflows: Product Overview and Q&A
An opportunity to take a deeper dive into Mercury's financial workflow products (Bill Pay, Reimbursements, Invoicing, Accounting Integrations) with your RM. You can anticipate: a feature overview and demo, what it looks like to get started, etc.
- 30m
- 45m
Mercury Treasury: Product Overview and Q&A
An opportunity to take a deeper dive into Mercury's Treasury product with your RM. You can anticipate discussing: fund options available, liquidity timelines and cash management strategies, as well as setting up auto-transfer rules, etc.
- 30m
Mercury Touchbase
Book this event for a more general 15 or 30 minute touch base to get questions answered or discuss your team's banking needs on an ad-hoc basis.
- 15m
- 30m